About Us
The JACL chapter in Arizona is the legacy of Japanese immigrants who settled in Arizona territory in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. By the early twentieth century, Japanese American families moved to Arizona and began truck farming small crops for the local market. Despite the challenges of being few in number, the Japanese Americans shared resources and support in their small communities and contributed to the development of Arizona as a state and to the Japanese American national community. The innovation, perseverance, and hard work of these Issei men and women established several community institutions that still exist today, including the JACL Arizona Chapter.

Arizona JACL is proud to continue the tradition of community, culture, and civil rights of the Japanese who first settled in Arizona and pursued the American promise. We invite you to learn more about the activities of our Arizona chapter and the mission and work of the National JACL to preserve the legacy of Japanese Americans in the United States and to protect the rights of all Americans.

When you join our community, you are joining over 10,000 individuals who believe in equality and justice for all Americans. Whether through cultural events or educational programs, from the West Coast to the East Coast (and even Japan, Hawaii, and Alaska), and from Japanese American, to Asian American, mixed race, and all ethnic groups…we stand together! 

Make a difference. Get involved with the JACL Arizona Chapter.

"Stand up for what is right." - Fred Korematsu
JACL Arizona Chapter
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